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Archive of Published Issues: 2024

Front Matter

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Metadata associated with this Archival Unit includes:

Journal URL https://inkanyisojournal.org/index.php/ink
Title Inkanyiso
Publisher AOSIS Publishing
Description Inkanyiso – Journal of African Thought deliberately embraces epistemologies of the Global South as part and parcel of its geo-politics of knowledge vis-à-vis the problematic epistemologies of the Global North. This posture finds concrete expression in the contributions received. As a matter of fact, the journal takes seriously the indigenous epistemologies, ontologies as well as the historical and socio-economic realities of its immediate communities.
Keywords Inkanyiso; epistemologies; Global South; geo-politics of knowledge; problematic epistemologies; Global North; indigenous epistemologies; ontologies; historical realities; socio-economic realities; immediate communities; intellectual project; privilege epistemologies; indigenous African knowledge; decolonial; postcolonial; Afrocentric; Afro-sensed grammars; vocabularies of change; non-fundamentalist; non-nativist; non-faddist; African thought; polyvocal; reflexive; responsive; dynamic; ecology of pluralistic perspectives; ontologies; space; time
Language(s) English (en_US)
Publisher Email submissions@inkanyisojournal.org

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